Hopster® Harvesters

Entry-level commercial hop harvesters


Hopster portable harvesters provide the freedom for small farms to harvest when hops are at their peak. Available as a PTO-powered implement (Hopster 5P) or as a self-powered unit with gasoline motor (Hopster 5G), hops can now be picked and cleaned in the field with less hassle than transporting bines to a facility, and at speeds up to 100x faster than picking by hand. Hopster hop harvesters are designed to be the entry-level solution for small hop farms to produce at a commercial scale and profit.

You’re in control

Decide when and where to harvest, to maximize quality and yield.
Adjust for each variety and harvesting condition.


Realize a quick Return On Investment.
Low maintenance with most parts available locally.


Powered by a tractor or self-powered with integrated motor.
Reduce manpower with less handling of bines.

Made in the USA

Constructed with high quality workmanship, materials and components.
Robust design and easy access to drive components and lubrication points.



Modular Oast-Floors

Build Your Own Vertical Drying System


Build your own vertical oast using Modular Oast-Floor Panels. Drying hops effectively is a challenge for most farming operations. This modular system is a scalable solution for increasing drying capacity to meet annual production demand, may be configured to dry small or large batches, and conserves floor space. Each floor panel consists of “trap-door” style gates that help mix and result in uniform moisture-content when indexing product from one level to the next. The gates eliminate the need for repeated positioning of shelves and bins or raking required by other drying methods.

Simple to scale

Add modules to increase production capacity.
Construct using common lumber.

Customize to Your Environment

Add blowers or heaters as-needed.
Conserve floor space.

Improve Product Quality

Eliminate bottlenecks with a continuous process.
Achieve homogeneous moisture-content with less handling.



20-lb & 100-lb Balers

Suitable for low- or high-volume production


Make 20- or 100-lb bales easily and affordably with a B20 or B100 hop baler. Small farms now have an effective way to package hops after drying and to conserve cold-storage space when preparing delivery to brewers or processors. These hydraulic balers may be powered by tractor, shop supply, or optional power unit, and are built to be easily shared and transported between farms. The B100 baler may be set up with a feed-conveyor for high-volume production.


Feed manually or automate with a conveyor.
Produce smaller bale sizes if needed by your customers.
Repeatable results with integrated scale.


Lock-out prevents operation when doors open.
Optional work-platform available for larger models.

Compact… Literally

Short enough to run in most barns and sheds.
Fold-down ram for easy storing and transporting.


Contact us to find the equipment nearest you to see a demonstration,
or visit any of the hops research programs that operate Hopster hop harvesting equipment:

Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Valley Laboratory

Cornell Lake Erie Research and Extension Laboratory

Cornell University New York State
Agricultural Experiment Station

Iowa State University

New Mexico State University

North Carolina State University

North Dakota State University

Northwest College

Ohio State University

Penn State University

University of Maryland WMREC

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

University of Vermont Extension

Virginia State University